February 22, 2023 -
Good Afternoon Alliance Families,
On Saturday, February 18th, the Edmondson family (18 Blue) was walking to their hotel after Day 1 of a volleyball event in St. Louis when an unthinkable accident occurred. A driver drove through a yield sign and struck a car. That car struck Janae. Her mother and father were with her as she was rushed to an area hospital. Janae suffered critical injuries.
The outpour of love and support from the volleyball community has been nothing short of remarkable. Many of you have already donated to the GoFundMe set up on behalf of the Edmondson family but what you may not know is that a percentage of your donations will be withheld from the family as GoFundMe takes a percentage off the top to cover their services. That being said, Alliance will be donating directly to the Edmondson family, and we would like to ask you all to join us in our efforts by also donating to the Edmondson family through Alliance in order to allow the family to receive 100% of your donations.
Janae and the Edmondson Family Needs YOU! Needless to say, the Edmondson family will need all the support they can receive, and I'd like to encourage you all to put some action behind what it means to be "ALLIANCE STRONG" by joining us in our giving efforts.
How much do I give?
Whatever you are comfortable with! Every donation from our families will all be kept anonymous. Some families have expressed donating in the amount of their own daughter's jersey while others have expressed giving $23 in tribute to Janae's Smyrna High School jersey number. Big or small, every dollar helps as Janae's road to recovery will be unfathomable, and she will not be stable enough to come home for nearly 6 weeks, possibly longer.
How do I support Janae and her family?
First and foremost, please respect their privacy.
On a giving note, there are three ways to donate to the Edmondson Family...
VENMO: @AllianceVBC (Note "Janae" so we are able to properly track the funds coming in)
CHECK: Made out to Alliance Volleyball Club (Write "Janae" in the memo section)
CASH: Place in an envelope and write "Janae" on the envelope
Choosing to donate via check or cash? Please place your donation in the Alliance payment box located outside of Court 1A or bring directly to the Alliance administrative office. Please make sure you put your donation in an envelope so it does not get mixed up with other payments. You can also mail your donation to Alliance Volleyball Club, PO Box 682267, Franklin, TN 37068.
We will be accepting donations on behalf of the Edmondson family through Thursday, March 2.
How can our kids show their love and support for Janae?
Janae's life has forever changed and when she wakes, she will need support beyond the monetary donations. We want her to know how much she is loved and to feel the warmth of an entire community rallying around her. We are asking for our Alliance athletes, Janae's peers, to take some time this week(end) to write her an uplifting message - heartfelt words of love and encouragement, a favorite quote or poem, a personalized letter, or even a favorite joke to prompt a smile in her moment of darkness. Additionally, her favorite color is purple if the girls feel inclined to personalize their messages any further.
We will have a table set up during our Black History Celebration at TOA on Monday, February 27th for kids to drop their letters off as well as to take time in that moment to write her a note. If your daughter will not be present on Monday, please feel free to mail letters to Alliance Volleyball Club, PO Box 682267, Franklin, TN 37068.