Kroger Cares
Let’s face it: you have to eat. So why not earn some funds to apply towards volleyball fees when you purchase groceries? The “Kroger Cares” program allows you to do just that (earn up to 4% of dollars spent). Go to: http://krogercommunityrewards.com/ and click on Kroger Community Rewards; Change or Select your organization to Williamson County Select Volleyball - Alliance Club BI019 .
At the end of the quarter, you will see a summary on your Kroger account page showing the amount of rewards you have received. Please screenshot this summary, and email to cearp@alliancevbc.com. The credit will then be applied to your daughter's fees.
Please note that all credits earned through fundraising are to be used exclusively for fees associated with Alliance Volleyball Club programs. Upon departure from the club, any unused credits will become a part of the Club's financial assistance program.
Contact Info
Carolyn Earp
Finance and Administration
Email: cearp@alliancevbc.com